Friday, April 10, 2009

Yoga Basic Positions & Yoga Poses for Kids Info (hot fitness yoga)

hot fitness yoga

Most yoga postures are simple and for all people. Because many people who have health problems yoga, they simply need to heal their back pain is not the worst! These attitudes are also sufficient for the children. Since many children will not feel comfortable with the hard poses, it is always a good idea to start them with easy to do poses, and once they get the hang of it, they can start doing the harder once as their confidence will also build up.

Here are some easy poses and their benefits...

Exercise 1). Kapal Bharati: The Yoga, is the simplest and working at their maximum. It is used to relieve stress and take control of your breath and spirit.


1. Take short breaths through your nose.
2. Release air through your nose, and press your stomach into the breathing and the movements of the stomach must occur simultaneously.
3. So, take the bulk of the air, grow push your stomach in around 60 times. You can do it 20 times sto start with.

* Be careful not to press hard stomach, and do not forget to breathe through the mouth ...

Exercise 2). Álom Vilom: Another breathing exercise, ideal for beginners.


1. Place your right thumb on the right side of the nose, and press, if you no longer breathe, from the right side.

2. Breathe through the nose left, front end, but hold their breath for about 2 seconds and then for the left nostril exhale through the right.

3. If, for about 10 minutes

* This is not your breath too long, and be sure to breathe the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril.

Exercise 3). Yoga Exercise Eyes: A yoga exercise, which helps reduce the pressure on the eyes and improve the health of the eyes.


1. Both your eyes with your hands.

2. At the same time for your eyes to the ears with the thumbs on both ears.

3. Inhale and slowly exhale. Inhale and has duration of 3-5 seconds and has duration of 4-7 seconds.

* Do not forget to cover your eyes and ears!

These three exercises to help the stress, the will, the results about a month a great for the children who grow, and the children, the prospect is limited.

They are also one of the yoga postures easier for all age groups with many advantages. Remember that yoga is not difficult to weigh, is the right place!

Once your children start to this attitude, can be difficult to progress in the relocation, the more benefits for human health. Some yoga is better than no yoga for everyone!

hot fitness yoga

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